Brian, a former Marine Corps programmer is the co-founder of, co-founder of, co-author of Building Web Apps with WordPress and runs the New Jersey WordPress meet up group. Brian loves WordPress, Open source and...
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Joost de Valk is a well-known specialist in the fields of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and WordPress & web development, and often speaks on those topics. He is the founder and CEO of Yoast, which...
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Drew spends his days working with the Theme Foundry team, enjoying the outdoors in beautiful Boise, Idaho, and relaxing with family. Drew graduated with a Philosophy degree from Duke University and was pick #203 of...
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Ben is the Co-Founder of, Movie Line Communicator. DIY Education Evangelist. Not allowed to touch code. Avenger Fan. Serial Entrepreneur and wannabe Volleyball player. Currently directing and managing the business side of things,...
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Marko Heijnen is a long term WordPress contributor from the Netherlands. He uses wordPress for more then 7 years and starting contributing back to it in 2009 to already six releases. After years of freelancing...
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Vladimir manages, directs, and innovates at ManageWP. When he isn’t flying, swimming, traveling or playing the guitar, he’s inventing game-changing technologies for the WordPress community at large.
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Project lead for BuddyPress and bbPress. WordPress contributor, BackPress supporter. Cranky driver. Puppy whisperer. Naps required. Currently the Director of Web Engineering at 10up.
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Nacin is a core developer of WordPress. As a member of the core team, he wrangles contributions, develops new features, and tries to fix more bugs than he creates. He lives in Washington, D.C., and...
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I’m a Lead Developer on the WordPress web publishing platform, used by tens of millions of people around the world. I make my living as a web publishing consultant to everyone from individuals to startups...
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